Enterprise Design / 2019 - 2020

Enterprise Solutions

Offering Gameloft’s partners an easier way to submit their games.


/ Overview

To build its games catalog, Gameloft partners with top game developers from all around the world to distribute their games through different Gaming platforms. But the games submission process is still done via email and it involves 4 internal teams. Such a process is lacking in accuracy, efficiency, and clarity. 

/ My role

Market & User Research, Experience & Strategy Design (UX Planning, Wireframes, Prototyping, Personas, Journey Maps), Validation & Usability Testing, Visual Identity & UI Design 


Submission Tool for Gameloft’s partners is part of the strategy to improve the digital products inside Gameloft. I am leading the Experience Strategy and Design for both Enterprise and Consumers products inside Gameloft Distribution Business. 

I was responsible for gathering all the information about the previous games submission process from all the teams involved and centralize the information to optimize the process and create a product to offer a better experience for both Gameloft’s Partners and Employees and help them achieve greater goals. 

Improving a process made via email with long and boring document files

They went through technical validation of their concepts and once they were convinced they can move forward they asked me to join the team to validate the product with users, refine the experience and build a visual identity.

Problem Statement. Overcoming an Obsolete Process with an easy and straightforward game submission process.
We discussed with people involved in the games submission process to understand the needs and goals of each team.

Employees never challenged the process. Below are the research discoveries.

  • Employees never challenged the process and there was requested info that is not in use anymore.

  • Internal teams were doing sequentially testing instead of parallel testing even if more than 80-90% of games submitted passes the submission process and internal teams are not blocking each other. 

  • Manual check of all the info provided in the process was one of the most time-consuming tasks.

Interviewed 5 teams involved in the process for clear understanding.

To develop the product we built personas for each team involved in the process so we can base our decisions on actual data gathered in the interviews and expect purposeful outcomes and design solutions.

  1. Partner Goal: Submit games to Gameloft Stores.

  2. Business Team Goal: Verify submitted games to understand their potential. Approve and Reject games.

  3. QA Team Goal: Test submitted builds and approve them according to QA Checklist.

  4. Submission Team Goal: Review games submissions details. 

  5. Legal Team Goal: Cover legal guidelines in the submission process.

Scope & Constraints

From collecting rent to making sure there are no overdue for both rent and utilities, landlords split their attention in multiple directions when it comes to rental management.

  • Reduce the time involved by the internal teams in the submission process and accelerate the approval. 
  • Gain productivity.
  • Decrease user errors.
  • Decrease change reports.
  • Save on Training and Support costs. 
User Flows. Defining the core submission processes.

Once we understood the goals and needs for each team we decided to build a service blueprint to be sure we cover each step of the submission process. The Core Submission Service Blueprint was built and iterated with all the teams involved to assure clarity. 

Optimizing the submission process.

To optimize the submission process we first needed to understand the current process. The process was mapped in the Process Blueprint (above) and comparing it with the previous submission process we have now a clear and straightforward process optimized in terms of time and workload. 

Wireframing & Prototyping

We iterated the submission service blueprint a few times until every important aspect was in place and each team involved knew their place and value in the process. Only then we were able to move to sketch design solutions. 

A simple and clear submission process for Gameloft’s partners.


QA Team is frustrated because partners are not going through the QA Checklist to fix little issues that could accelerate the approval process.

To resolve this issue we included a warning and short link to QA Checklist every time they submit a new game.

Unified reports from all teams for faster bug fixing.
Each team sees only what needs their input. No other distractions.

To reduce the amount of needed attention to fulfill their tasks, the overview for each team will have only what needs their immediate action.

Faster delivery of source files to QA Test Phones.


QA Team used to waste time moving the games’ source files from email to their test phones. 

With the new approach, they can open the report scanning a QR code and quickly install the game.

The Results. An integrated, unitary, and scalable games submission tool.
Results & Takeaways

Building a unitary and integrated tool for all the tasks and teams involved in the submission process moved the company entirely into the modern era of digital products. 

  • Enterprise design is no longer overlooked. 
  • Integrated a design process and inspired teams to stop overlooking design decisions. 
  • Offered a clear overview of the submission process for all the teams involved and for the stakeholders. 
  • Fulfilling teams' needs by listening to what each team is doing in the process and what are their goals. 

The product will be ready by the end of 2020.

I'm open to be a Dedicated User Experience Research Partner //

adrian sion / 2023

Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40 755 883 825
Email: [email protected]